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JANGAON Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences SRR College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Courses Offered
Course Name
  bulletIndustrial pharmacy
S.No Year Name Rank
1 2017 B. Udhay Kumar 488
2 M. Mani deep 145
3 D. Roja 1286
4 2019 P. Vani 7246
5 2021 B. Venkata Sai Laxmi 9572
6 D. Kalpana 14132
B. Laxmi Samhitha 2012-2016 batch ( B. Pharmacy Course) Kakatiya University Gold Medalist & University First Rank.
2016 Ranks
bulletB. laxmi samhitha 408
bulletJalajakshi 3997
(NIPER 1440)
SRR College - Careers
S.No Course Name Intake Convener Quota Management Quota
1 B.Pharmacy 100 70 30
2 M.Pharmacy(Pharmaceutics) 15 11 4
3 M.Pharmacy(Industrial pharmacy) 15 11 4
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